by amy | Mar 23, 2012 | Blog
Miss Pitunia rocked the role of Bull’s Eye in Oliver. The Young People’s Theater of St. Charles put on the play, but none of the kids were very good at playing a dog. So the call went out for a white pit bull type dog to play Bull’s Eye. It was a bit...
by amy | Mar 5, 2012 | Blog
We are so proud that one of Phoenix Pack’s dogs was selected to appear in the play of Oliver! Miss Pitunia was excellent at her audition and the staff just loved her. Be sure to see Miss Pitunia and The Young People’s Theatre of St. Charles Community...
by amy | Mar 4, 2012 | Blog
Clint will be here Sunday, March 11, 2012!!! We are so excited to have the plans are mapped out for Clint to have a safe arrival to us from Kuwait. While we are still in the process of building his cottage, we are working against the heat Kuwait will soon experience....
by amy | Jan 1, 2012 | Blog
We wish to extend our sympathy to Molly’s family on her passing. Molly was a special family member and received the very best that a dog can ask for being a member of this loving and attentive family. We are extremely appreciative for their long standing support...
by amy | Dec 28, 2011 | Blog
Phoenix Pack receives many emails each day asking our help in saving dogs. Some requests are from our area, while others extend across the country. Once and awhile a remarkable plea for help comes, and on this occasion it came from the other side of the world...