Clyde needs your vote!

Clyde was a stray found with hundreds of ticks and suffering with heartworm. His hind end was covered in deep scars, and one ear was almost ripped completely off.

My daughter spends one week at each parents’ home. We thought she needed a dog that could go back and forth with her to be a constant companion.

Clyde was so laid-back, loving and beautiful with such soulful eyes that we knew he would fit into our lives perfectly, so we adopted him in August 2009. He was a star at obedience class and passed his canine good citizen test.

Many people told us Clyde was lucky that we adopted him and we thought so too until recently.

Clyde woke me up one night barking. Since he rarely barks, I got up, checked on my daughter and made sure the doors were locked. But I couldn’t see anything, so I petted Clyde and went back to bed.

The next day I found the screen on the garage window was torn out and my fence slats were busted off; someone had tried breaking into our home. I also learned that another home around the corner had been broken into a short time after Clyde woke me up. That woman had been sexually assaulted and beaten at knifepoint, and was lucky to be alive.

The police are convinced that Clyde stopped the criminal from breaking into our home.

Clyde has deep scars from being treated cruelly and had heartworm from being neglected. But he now has a constant companion and two loving homes, so you could say he is lucky to have us.

But Clyde saved us from unimaginable horrors, so we are the ones that are lucky to have adopted him. We are proud to say that he is our pit bull.

Please vote for Clyde so he is the next Bark in the Park mascot!